Giving Back
SickKids is a one of the world’s foremost pediatric health sciences centres and teaching hospitals. The Hospital provides a full spectrum of health-care services across the continuum of care to infants, children and youth up to age 18. SickKids has the largest research centre in the world and has innovated programs like “Motherisk”, a program providing guidance and sharing information that promotes the healthy development of the fetus and infants. Other countries, such as Israel and Japan, have adapted this program.
They are at the forefront of scientific innovation and care to children and their families all over the world.
This Canadian Hospital has set up funds like the “Herbie” fund where Over 777 children from 106 countries have received specialized life-saving medical and surgical assistance “where they live shouldn’t determine if they live”.
SickKids represents to me the epitome of what it means to sacrifice for your child and to protect our future.
Source Organics is donating 1% of annual sales in support of SickKids, specifically to children and their families.